Information stored in logs, such as IP addresses and "user agents", is automatically removed after 3 months using logrotate. For any information deletion request you can contact me through my contact email.
The website stores a log of the Gas queries received (requests to /gas/search/ and /gas/search/geo/). Only the fuel selected, the time of the query and the queried date are stores to protect users' privacy.
Any information provided in forms or any equivalent way (usernames, real names, emails and passwords) will be stored in the web's database.
You can request its deletion at any time through the same email that is registered in the web. All requests will be fulfilled within 30 days from the first notification when possible.
None of the information stored by this service is or will be shared with any third party unless required by law.
Passwords are stored hashed and salted for users' protection in case of a security breach.
I use a self-hosted instance of Umami to store web analytics and be able to monitor traffic.
None of the information tracked by the analytics script can be used to uniquely identify a specific user.
As they specifically state on their FAQ:
"Umami does not collect any personally identifiable information and anonymizes all data collected. Users cannot be identified and are never tracked across websites."
More info: Collected metrics. Privacy policy of their service.
External resources
If your name is missing and it should here, contact me at the mail above.
This website would not be possible without the help of:
- My mother, specifically for her help with learning CSS and more UI recommendations.
- @paauu_31, for her huge support while building the web and debugging it (specially debugging).
Last update: 2024/03/19
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